National Average Gas and Diesel Prices for November 2022
Tracking the Great Reset through Gas Prices
My fellow Patriots,
Finally some action is being taken to lower gas prices, but of course it’s based on foreign oil and diminishing emergency reserves.
The gas prices are in for the month of November 2022 and overall the national average gas prices saw some serious declines. The prices started off at $3.758 per gallon and they rose for nine days to $3.805 per gallon before declining for the rest of the month where prices closed in at $3.495 per gallon. From the November 1st to November 30th, the overall gas price decline was $0.263 dollars per gallon. As always, all data is from AAA.
The national average diesel prices for November 2022 followed a similar pattern to that of unleaded gasoline. November 1st opened the month’s diesel prices at $5.312 per gallon where they declined for two days to $5.308 per gallon. On November 4th, prices began to rise, starting at $5.311 per gallon and they rose for seven days in a row to $5.365 per gallon on November 11th. Starting the 12th, the national average diesel price declined through the rest of the month to close at $5.178 per gallon on November 30th. From November 1st to November 30th the overall diesel price decline was $0.134 per gallon.
The globalists work in moves and countermoves to gain support for their agenda and keep as much of the population asleep as possible and as America is facing the Great Reset and Agenda 2030, the globalists controlling the American government through the Usurper (Biden) Administration are not putting America into a total free fall yet. Instead they are steadily managing the decline; it’s a quick decline, but still a managed one as can be seen this month by the decrease in gas and diesel prices.
There are numerous reasons as to why the gas and diesel national average prices were declining this month, some of the reasons are natural and others are artificial. Beginning with the reasons for the natural aspect of the decline, the Usurper Administration has been in talks with both OPEC and Venezuela to increase oil production and drilling.
According to an initial report from earlier in the month, OPEC had agreed to boost oil production by two million barrels per day; but OPEC has since denied the agreement to boost production and has actually discussed reducing production by another two million barrels per day. The release of the initial report caused the oil markets to plummet, which therefore has caused a reduction in the price of gas and diesel.
Since OPEC denied the report of an increase in production, why are the national average prices still continuing to decrease? The answer lies with the Usurper Administration’s talks with the Venezuelan government to allow for US companies to drill for oil in Venezuela; because of course it is better to make deals with an oppressive communism regime than drill for oil on US soil!
These two previous reasons for the reduction in gas and diesel prices are natural, meaning that by increasing the supply of oil there will be a corresponding reduction in gas and diesel prices. More supply with the same demand equals lower prices: economics 101. Of course, not all the reasons for reduced prices are natural, there is one thing that is still being done to the US gas and diesel supply which will collapse our economy if it continues, and that is the releasing of oil from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserves.
The draining of the petroleum reserves is an issue that I have been warning about since July 2022 at the latest, and it is this administration’s favorite “solution” to extremely high gas prices. In October, Biden ordered the release of another 15+ million barrels of oil for November and December to supplement the normal oil supply to lower prices. Again, this is an artificial solution because the reserves are for emergencies only. When the reserves run out, especially the diesel reserves, the price of gas and diesel will skyrocket! The government, especially with diesel, will begin to ration supplies starting with their own best interests, such as the military and federal law enforcement, as well as the major cities. This rationing will cause total collapse because nothing, literally nothing can function in America without diesel fuel; whether it is for the transportation of unleaded fuel, powering factories for the production of everything, equipment used by farmers to grow and harvest their crops, etc.
All hope is not lost yet, but things are getting back economically with the dwindling supplies of gas and, more importantly, diesel. The best thing you can do for your family is to learn to be self-reliant. Learn how to grow with and store heirloom seeds, learn how to take care of animals for food, and learn how to preserve food. America, and subsequently the world, is heading for massive food shortages as a result of diesel prices and supply, so therefore preparing now while you still can is the best course of action.