What Is Liberty And Is It Different Than Freedom? (Liberty Lite)
Liberty Lite: Exploring the differences and similarities between liberty and freedom
My fellow Patriots,
Welcome to my new mini series, “Liberty Lite”.
When you hear the term “liberty”, what do you think of first? What about the word “freedom”? Do you associate liberty with high class and freedom with low class? Does one incorporate morality or do both do? Is there even a difference between “liberty” and “freedom”? These are question that we are going to answer throughout this series entitled Liberty Lite.
Because of the vastness of this subject and the limited time, this series will be very broad in it’s scope and be fairly brief compared to how this subject could be addressed. I want to give you a taste of liberty and freedom without filling your stomach. The hope is that you will become hungry to learn more.
This series will be divided into five articles with four of them being informational and the final installment being a conclusion based on the information that is highlighted throughout this series. Each article will be easy enough to read and understand that you won’t need to have intimate previous knowledge of liberty and freedom to understand what is being discussed.
The four aspects of liberty and freedom that will be discussed will give a glimpse into different perspectives relating to the subject. The four articles will cover what the Bible says about liberty and freedom, what America’s founding fathers thought about liberty and freedom, the French Revolution’s perspective on liberty and freedom, and then how liberty and freedom are thought about today in America.
By the end of the series, you will have enough of an understanding to carry forward a basic conversation and maybe enough information to have an argument or debate with someone on liberty and freedom. Minimally, you will understand the very basic principles and perspectives on liberty and freedom.
So sit back, subscribe to my Substack, and spent five to ten minutes every week learning about liberty and freedom.